Coachlight Bible Study Questions

Rightly Dividing The Book of Ephesians



Who Is The Church

The Walk Of The Church












The Church’s Standing With God

The Church’s Access To God

The Fellowship Of The Mystery

Walk Worthy Of The Calling

Walk In Love As Children Of Light

The Mystery Of Christ And The Church

The Walk For The War



The Foyer

King’s Audience Chamber

King’s Throne Room

The Wardrobe Room

Psalm And Worship Room

The Armory





The Purpose Of God

The Purpose Of The Church


To reveal the Mystery of the Church, with each member called by God, and walking worthy of the calling.


ROME – AD 60-61


I. Overall View


1. Who was the human author?



2. To whom was this letter written?



3. What was the author’s intension?



4. What was the author’s plan?


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


d. ____________________________________________________________________


e. ____________________________________________________________________


f. ____________________________________________________________________


g. ____________________________________________________________________




II. Salutation - Ephesians 1:1-3


5. What is the meaning of the word apostle? (apostolos) _________________________


6. What is the meaning of the word saints? (hagios) ____________________________


7. Why did Paul Bless God?  _______________________________________________


8. What is the significance of the term “Heavenly places”? (1:3 & 1:20)




III. The Church’s Standing In Christ – Ephesians 1:4-14


8. When did the Father choose us? (eklegomi) (1:4) _________________________________


9. For what did the Father choose us? (1:4) ________________________________________


10. For what did the Father predestinate us? (prooridzo) (1:5) _________________________




11. What three things did the Son do for us? (1:7-9)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


12. What was God’s two-fold purpose in Christ’s work? (1:10-11)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


13. What is the meaning of the word “sealed” (sphragidzo) ___________________________


14. What is the meaning of the word “earnest” (arabon) _____________________________


15. What does the Holy Spirit do for us? (1:13-14) __________________________________


IV. Prayer For Revelation – Ephesians 1:15-23


16. What is meant by the term “revelation” (apokalupsis)? (1:17) ______________________


17. What is meant by the phrase “knowledge of Him” (epignosis) (1:17) ________________




18. What are the two main reasons that Paul prayed for the Ephesians after teaching them about the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?  (1:17-18a)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


19. Write down the “4 What’s” of Paul’s prayer.


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


d. ____________________________________________________________________


V. Raised & Seated On The Throne - Ephesians


20. When does Paul state that the power of God was put forth? (1:20) _________________




21. Over what has the Father made Christ the Head? (1:22) ___________________________


22. What is meant by the term “Body of Christ” in Paul’s metaphor?  ___________________




VI. Reconciliation of the Jews & Gentiles


23. What has God done for the Church? (2:1a) _____________________________________


24. What was the condition of the Gentile before God’s work?  (2:1b) __________________






25. What motivated the lifestyle of the Gentile before God’s work? (2:2-3) ______________



26. When was it that God loved us? (2:4-5a) _______________________________________


27. What two things did God do as He loved us and showed His mercy? (2:5-6)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


28. What was God’s purpose for loving us and showing His mercy? (2:7)




29. By what means are we saved? (2:8) ___________________________________________


30. By what means are we not saved? (2:8) ________________________________________


31. What is the definition of the term “workmanship”? (poiema) (2:9) __________________


32. What is the condition of the Church, as foreordained by God, because each member is His workmanship? (2:10)




33. What was the three part condition of the Gentile before Christ’s ascension? (2:12)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


34. Now what is the condition of the Gentile that was far off? (2:13) ___________________


35. What was God’s purpose for breaking down the wall of partition between the Gentile and Jew? (2:14-16)




36. Now what do both Gentile and Jew have because of Christ? (2:18)




37. What is the condition of the Gentile now being no longer foreigners and strangers? (2:19)




38. What are the comparisons in Paul’s metaphor of the building (temple)? (2:20-22)


Foundation ____________________________________________________________


Chief Corner Stone ______________________________________________________


Blocks ________________________________________________________________


39. What is God’s purpose for the building? (2:22)




VII. Revelation of the Mystery of the Church – Ephesians 3:1-13


40. To whom did God unveil the Mystery of the Church? (3:1-3)




41. What was Paul’s purpose for writing this letter? (3:4)




42. What is meant by the term “Mystery” (musterion)(3:5)




43. What is the “Mystery of the Church” (3:6)




44. What is God’s purpose for revealing the mystery? (3:10)




VIII. Prayer For Realization – Ephesians 3:14-21


45. What are the “Four Thats” of Paul’s prayer for realization? (3:16-19)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


d. ____________________________________________________________________


IX. Walking Worthy of Our Vocation – Opposite of Self Esteem – Ephesians 4


46. Since our calling came from the planning of the Father before the foundation of the world, from chapter one state to what are we called.


He has blessed us with all ________________________________________________


He has chosen us that we should be _________________________________________


He has predestinated us unto ______________________________________________


47. What is the exhortation given the called? (4:1) __________________________________


48. What three things are associated with walking worthy? (4:2-3)


1. ____________________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________________


3. ____________________________________________________________________


49. What is the banner or slogan for those properly walking worthy? (4:4-6)








50. To whom is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ? (4:7)




51. How did Paul explain when the gifts were given? (4:8) ___________________________




52. What are the five gifts given? (4:11)


a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________________________


53. What are the three purposes of the gifts? (4:12)


a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________


54. The gifts are to be used until when? (4:13)






55. What is the result of using the gifts given? (4:14-15)


That we be no more _____________________________________________________


But __________________________________________________________________


56. What are the points of comparison in the metaphor of the Body? (4:15-16)


a. The head and ________________________________________________________

b. The body and ________________________________________________________


57. In the metaphor of the Body, what is Paul teaching? (4:15-16) _____________________






58. What is the point of comparison in the metaphor of the old & new man? (4:17-29)




59. In the metaphor of the Old man what is Paul teaching? (4:17-22) ___________________






58. In the metaphor of the new man what is Paul teaching? (4:23-29) ___________________




59. How does one “Put on the New Man? (4:23) (Romans 12:1-3) _____________________



60. Who are we not to grieve? (4:30) ____________________________________________


61. How do we not grieve the Holy Spirit? (4:31-32)


Let all these things be put away from you: ___________________________________



And be _______________________________________________________________



X. Acting Out The Mystery of Christ and the Church – Ephesians 5


62. What is the meaning of the Greek word mimetes, translated “followers” in 5:1?




63. What is the exhortation in chapter 5? (5:1-12) __________________________________




64. Explain the simile in verse 2.  (5:2) (Romans 12)






65. What needs not to be a part of the lifestyle of a saint? (5:3-4)  ______________________






66. What type of person has no inheritance in the Kingdom? (5:5) _____________________




67. What brings on the wrath of God to the children of disobedience? (5:6) ______________




68. Who are we not to let deceive us? (5:6) ________________________________________


69. Who are we to have no fellowship with? (5:6-12)




70. What is it that makes everything manifest? (5:13) _______________________________




71. Paul quotes from Isaiah to explain light.  What is the light? (5:14) (Isaiah 59:21-60:4)




72. What is the responsibility of the person who understands the light? (5:15-18)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


73. What are the three ways a person be filled with the Spirit? (5:19-21)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


74. What are the points of comparison in the metaphor of marriage? (5:22 – 29)




75. How can a wife act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (5:22-24)




76. How can husbands act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (5:29)




77. Who does Paul quote in Ephesians 5:31?  ______________________________________


78. What was in the mind of God as the bride was presented to Adam? (5:27; 5:31-32)




79. How can children act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (6:1-3) ______________


80. How can fathers act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (6:4) _________________


81. How can employees act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (6:5-8) ____________




82. How can employers act out the mystery of Christ and the Church? (6:9)




83. How can a person be strong in the Lord with God’s powerful dynamite power? (6:10-11)




84. Who is the battle that God’s people are fighting against? (6:12)




85. What part of the armor of God is a person to “take unto you”? (6:13)




86. What are the six pieces of the armor in the metaphor of the armor of God? (6:14-17)


a. ____________________________________________________________________


b. ____________________________________________________________________


c. ____________________________________________________________________


d. ____________________________________________________________________


e. ____________________________________________________________________


f. ____________________________________________________________________


87. Which piece of armor is the only piece used in the offensive battle?




88. With what is the armor to be used? (6:18) ___________________________________________________________________________


89. Application: In 5:1 the Ephesian group were told to be “followers” or “imitators” of Christ.  After reading about Christ using the Sword of the Spirit, in Matthew 4 and Revelation 19:11-16, what are ways that we can apply this today?
